Cancellation And Refund Policy

Mostly, the fees including flight tickets,vacation packages, and service charges are non-refundable after 24 hours of booking. Trip protection insurance is refundable within 10 days of purchase if travel has not started and you have informed our Customer care team for cancellation. Every cancellation should be done over phone call only. The refund requests will be accepted only on the following conditions:

  • Your booking has not to be marked as a “no show” (most “no show” bookings are unavailable for any waiver from suppliers for a refund process)
  • You have requested for a cancellation and refund with us and whether the fare rules provide for cancellation and refunds.
  • There is no specific time duration we can provied for the processing of the refund request.Once processed for Refund you will Recieve a Email confirmation for your request and that will be your Tracking number/ Confirmation number for your Refund Request(This notification does not mean that you are eligible for a refund). This only acknowledges you with your request and provides you with a tracking number .Our service fees related to the original travel reservation/booking are not refundable.We are dependent on the suppliers for the requested refunds. If the supplier approves the refund, it will take some extra time to get reflected on your credit card statement. The whole process may last up to 55-80 days. The refund fees are charged on per-passenger and per-ticket basis. These fees will only be levied if a refund has been approved by the supplier or a waiver has been received and when the airline/supplier rules allow such refunds.