
Bargaintofly is not responsible for any kind of depiction, exception or errors on any page of our website or on any other links associated with other pages. We have not made any kind of agreement with any advertisement displaying on our web pages. We advice all customers to check carefully the certainty of the information on our web pages before coming on any decision.Bargaintofly acts as a intermediator between the customers and itineraries and fares of airlines. Bargaintofly holds no responsibility for the travel products or services that the traveler has booked but isn’t able to have access to. Price of the content uploaded by travel providers are not guaranteed as they are influenced by Government schemes and are subject to change. Prices can change anytime and additional charges, such as payment fees, services charges, checked-in luggage fees, additional taxes and fees, might be applicable.If any customer is not satisfied with the facilities offered to them, the he/she have the option to choose discontinuing the use of our site.