Privacy Policy

At Bargaintofly we respect your privacy and committed to protect any information by which you can be identified, such as name, e-mail address, and telephone number you share with us. We would like to assure you that we follow appropriate standards when it comes to protecting your privacy on our website.

You can visit Bargaintofly website without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information about yourself. We track the Internet Protocols (IP) address from which people visit us and analyze this data for trends and statistics, but the individual user remains anonymous.

The website offers travel related services such as air tickets, tour packages, hotels rooms, travel insurances etc. We collect the personal information to provide the services mentioned above such as, Name, Address, Date of Birth, Passport Number, Email Address, Phone Number, Frequent Flyer Numbers, etc. We do not sell or trade any of the above foregoing information. The foregoing information collected from the customers is used with applicable service providers like the airlines, hotels, etc., for the purpose of reservation and booking the services for the customer Information like Mobile no, e-mail address and postal address may be used for promotional purposes.

We only save the information that the customer voluntarily provide to us while availing Bargaintofly Services. This can range from Non-Personal Information, such as the dates and desired destination you ask us to run a flight search against, to the Personal Information you are required to submit where you wish to book a flight with a travel supplier via the Bargaintofly Services. Whether or not you provide us with this kind information is always entirely under your control.

You can access all your personally identifiable information that we collect online and maintain by contacting our customer service department. To protect your privacy and security, we will also take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or making corrections.

If you have questions about this privacy policy, please call us at anytime on our toll free number or send us an email at